Yoga for Singers
Claire Galloway, Soprano RYT 200
Helpful props for this sequence: yoga blocks, Coregeous/exercise ball, a stable & sturdy chair, yoga blanket, strap, perhaps a counter top or wall for balance assistance
This approximately 60 minute flow will help strengthen and lengthen your singer support system, connect and ground to your body, and also cleanse and invigorate your throat (Vishuddha), heart (Anahata), and solar plexus (Manipura) chakras.
I hope that this flow will help you energize through your entire body and self to invigorate and set aflame your authentic, unique voice and artistry.
Copyright July 2024
Yoga for Singers
The video will be available upon purchase as a ZIP file.
I will additionally give you private access to the YouTube video.
If you have trouble accessing the video, please contact me at
Thank you & Namaste!