
“Spy Concert Review: An Orchestral ‘Holiday Joy’” by Steve Parks, The Talbot Spy. December 2, 2023
“The duet from Rossini’s ‘The Barber of Seville,’ [is] all sung in Italian, the actorly skills of Galloway and McGinniss [sic.] translate beyond language barriers, not to mention their sonorous and soaring tones."
“One of the few sacred songs on the program, ‘O Holy Night,’ just about brought the full house at the Avalon down ... Galloway brought both reverence and inspiration to the lyrics.
Through all three verses, she calibrated her soaring lyric soprano voice to enable a thrilling culmination.”
'Holiday Joy' with Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, December 2023
“New opera ‘Geniza: Hidden Fragments’ was inspired by medieval Jewish texts” by KJ Moran Velz, DC Theatre Arts, April 25, 2023
Geniza: Hidden Fragments was presented Sunday, April 23, in a single concert performance at Adas Israel conducted and artistic-directed by Jeffrey Silberschlag,with members of the Chesapeake Orchestra of Maryland.
Without any design elements — no set, no props, no costumes — it is easy to imagine these powerful performances on a grander stage — particularly those of Crawley and Galloway as Solomon and Mathilde, who anchor the piece with emotional arias that capture the urgency of the opera’s themes.
Geniza: Hidden Fragments (Arnold Saltzman) premiere with Chesapeake Symphony Orchestra, April 2023
“Trouble in Tahiti at Stillpointe Theatre” by Mike Zellhoffer, TheatreBloom, January 21, 2018
Galloway Weber’s clear, dulcet voice draws you into her struggle between having the perfect looking suburban home and what appears to be an alluring marriage, and the desire for a relationship with the man she loves. She conveys this perfectly in her scene with her psychiatrist and as she recounts her viewing of the South Sea romance Trouble in Tahiti.
Trouble in Tahiti with Stillpointe Theatre, January 2018
Leonard Bernstein’s Trouble in Tahiti (review) by Susan Galbraith, DC Theatre Scene, January 15, 2018
Mezzo soprano Claire Galloway Weber as Dinah, the wife, delivered some beautiful arias. I was deeply moved by the dream she relates to her psychiatrist on the couch, in this production inventively draped as a chanteuse over the top of the piano. “I was standing in the garden” was filled with the inner longing of this woman.
I also liked the risks she took in the wild “Trouble in Tahiti” which is built as one of those female monologues (as told to a friend) that were all the period rage. She rips into the song with abandon, moving from comic dismissal of movie musicales as they were written to getting caught up in the plot of one then tearing with fury into the exotic singing-dancing island girls “ahaahhaahha” complete with phony hula dancing.
Trouble in Tahiti with Stillpointe Theatre, January 2018
Peabody Alumni Spotlight, March 2024
What opportunities did you take advantage of in school that helped you to build helpful skills and experiences?
Following lines of curiosity to their ends allowed for some incredible learning journeys. If something came up in class, I would go to the library and dive down the rabbit hole along with friends and classmates. I also certainly benefitted from the career office’s job listings, finding my first church job and a few other initial starting points that began to grow my network. Truthfully, though, the most influential part of my studies were my colleagues and collaborating with them. Together we saw the gaps in opportunities available and created our own, researching how the existing faculty and structure might be able to help us in those ventures. This has formed the foundation of how I approach my career in this environment.
“Claire åkte från Baltimore till Trollhättan: ‘Ger mig unika möligheter’” – Joel Svahn och Andreas Olsson, TTELA (Trollhättan, Sweden) August 2023
“Nordic song festival är inne på sin sjätte dag när Claire Galloway ska delta I en öppen masterclass. Hon har åkt ände från Baltimore I USA till Trollhättan för att fördjupa sin kunskap om nordisk sång. Festivalen blir för henne ett unikt tillfälle att fördjupa sina språkkunskaper med hjälp av den Trollhätteuppväxta operasångerskan Gitta-Maria Sjöberg.
“Claire came from Baltimore to Trollhättan (Sweden): “It gives me unique opportunities!”
“Nordic song festival is just entering its seventh day when Claire Galloway takes part in an open masterclass. She has come all the way from Baltimore in the USA to Trollhattan to deepen her knowledge of Nordic song. The festival is for her a unique chance to deepen her knowledge of the languages of the region with the help of opera singer Gitta-Maria who grew up in Trollhättan.
Article written in Swedish - translation available upon request.
“Check out Claire Galloway’s Story,” Portraits of Baltimore, Voyage Baltimore, January 23, 2023
The most important thing to do to continue in this career is to know your own individual “WHY.” Why do I do this? Why is it important to me and to the people who hear me? This way you keep coming back to your internal drive and you can create your own goals and feedback for each opportunity to share your voice – and it helps you create your own opportunities with people you love working with instead of always waiting for something outside of yourself to “choose” you or validate you in some way. You can validate yourself and your reason for being the artist you are.
“Meet Claire Galloway” Canvas Rebel Magazine. October 2, 2023
So many musicians, and professionals/amateurs alike in other fields, are often encouraged to specialize and only be involved in one aspect of a project. I would argue that although honing ones skills for a specific aspect is highly beneficial and important, knowing and walking the walk of other roles and connecting with the people that walk those paths leads to a more fulfilling, evolutionary, and powerful process AND performance.